Vanessa: Your latest album, Songs and Advice for Kids Who Have Been Left Behind was made to give kids advice on how to deal with a loss of an important grown-up in their life. What led you to do this project? And to keep it serious unlike your other, fun and spontaneous works?
Simon: Well, it first started when Kurdt Cobain, who was getting to be a friend of mine, shot himself. Then my step father left me.
V: And these tragedies in your life led you to try and help other kids who should need it? Did you ever wish you had an album like it when you were going through those times?
Si: Maybe.
V: What is your earliest music memory?
Si: It was when i was 5. I could remember making the first Stinky Puffs record it was cool.
V: You and Kurdt were close -- how long did you know him? What was it like playing with him?
Si: Well I smashed a guitar on stage with him so I guess I knew him okay.
V: Which Stinky Puffs band do you think had the best sound, the group around in 1991, the current group, or the Super Stinky Puffs Band from '95?
Si: '95 rocks. It keeps getting better.
V: What is your all-time favourite type of music?
Si: Guitar stuff!@#$%^&*
V: what is your favourite musical instrument?
Si: Guitar, definitely.
V: What's your favourite kind of music to record?
Si: I like all kinds of stuff from Abba to ZZ Top.
V: Do you like your underground fame, or do you want to be a very well-known name all over the country?
Si: I'd like to become well known, but not like Hanson -- big over night. I need to take time. They're gonna rise and fall.
V: Do you think you will be recording music all your life?
Si: In some way or another, absolutely. I always have before.
V: Your family; parents, siblings (ages), pets, etc.
Si: My dad, Tom our bass player, Eric, Sheenah our drummer, Henry my dog, Coltrain my cat, and Lina Eric's dog.
V: What is your birthdate?
Si: May 18th '84.
V: Where was your birth place?
Si: San Francisco.
V: Other childhood residences?
Si: Maryland and parts of NJ
V: Which do you like better, the East Coast or the West Coast?
Si: West Coast, yay. I don't like Oregon, it's boring.
V: What about the West Coast makes you like it better than the East Coast?
Si: Where I lived, it was always hot or cold, but here it's either grey, which I like, or sunny.
V: Where did you attend school and what grade are you in now?
Si: I'm home schooled in the 8th grade. 8th grade rocks.
V: Who is your hero?
Si: Our bass player. He saved me from choking on gum.
V: Zodiac sign.
Si: Taurus. I wanna get a tattoo of it.
V: Any last comments to people that will be reading this interview?
Si: Peace, love, and puppies.